Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Diversity in Leadership at a Church: Why It Matters

As ministry leaders and pastors, we strive to create a culture of diversity where all members of our congregation can feel seen, heard, and valued. However, creating a truly unified community requires more than just preaching from the pulpit or offering kind words of welcome. It also requires a commitment to diversity within your very leadership. In recent years, the importance of diversity in leadership has gained increased attention in the business world. Studies have…Continue Reading

How to Lead Authentically

A Pastor’s Guide to Healthy Transparency Leadership is often associated with strength, confidence, and authority. However, vulnerability is a trait that should not be overlooked in leadership. Vulnerability can help leaders build stronger relationships with their team members, foster trust and authenticity, and create a more positive and supportive work environment. This is particularly important in the context of the church, if leaders desire to cultivate leaders who multiply with impact.  In this blog, we…Continue Reading

Practice Strategic Absence

What happens when you are not around? How well do church services function? How does your area of ministry operate without you? What goes wrong? What goes right?  Who is leading in your absence? Who steps up when you are out? When the leader is absent, the wheels tend to come off, and anything that could go wrong will go wrong. That’s when you return from vacation or a long weekend off and think to…Continue Reading

Leadership Development for Your Staff

Mike got into student ministry because he loved Jesus, loved teenagers, and wanted to disciple students to live Christ-centered lives. As he stood before his group of volunteer leaders with a handful of weighty ministry decisions and the people in the room waiting for him to lead, he wondered how he went from his simple vision for serving as a youth pastor to the weight he felt of leading a team. The one thing he…Continue Reading

Establishing Healthy Boundaries in Ministry

In this 10 minute training video my friend Chip Judd explains how to establish healthy boundaries in ministry. Have someone you’re mentoring watch the video and then follow the process below to reinforce the principles.  Or you may want to use it with your team. Chip is a professional counselor who has been counseling individuals, marriages, and families for almost twenty years. His driving desire in is to see people experience and enjoy real freedom and…Continue Reading