Equipping Leaders To Multiply

360⁰ Listening

Are you listening to every level of your organization?  It’s easy to fall into the habit of listening to only those on your level in the organization.  We may be headed for trouble when we think we know what “they” want or what “they” think.  D.J. Kaufman said, “Wisdom is the reward for a lifetime of listening … when you’d have preferred to talk.”  Not listening to all levels can create… A lack of ownership in the…Continue Reading

Leaders are You Listening?

One of the most overlooked competencies in leadership today is the skill of listening.  Listening enables the leader to maximize what God’s doing while minimizing mistakes, maximize team member’s strengths while minimizing their weaknesses, maximize employee engagement while minimizing misunderstandings.  As leaders we can’t afford not to listen because the price is too high. But leaders like to move fast which doesn’t always lend itself to listening.  A large part of leadership is about understanding, discerning, reading people, assessing your culture, hearing God and then taking…Continue Reading