Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Longing to See God’s Hand in Your Life

Do you ever find yourself in that place where you’re desperate to see the hand of God in your life?  You’re confused, hurting, bored or anxious and you just want to see God do something in your life.  Many of you have been asking about the story behind my calling to make a transition from Seacoast to help start up a new church planting network based out of Atlanta called The Launch Network.  Below is…Continue Reading

Put Some Life in Your Goal Setting

Why is it that each time you inform everyone that it’s time to establish new goals there seems to be a collective groan heard throughout the organization?  We know goals are necessary to establish clear performance expectations, measure progress and provide accountability.  But while that last sentence is true…it just doesn’t inspire or motivate people to put their goals in writing.  There are many reasons people don’t like to set goals (a post for another…Continue Reading