Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Leadership Thots I’ve Been Thinking – Janurary

Here are a few leadership thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout December and January.  You can follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/maclake The leaders #1 job is to shape the corporate culture of their organization, it’s way too important to leave to chance 2:33 PM Jan 28 When a leader engages conflict he opens the door for increased intimacy and understanding. 1:33 PM Jan 27 When a leader truly listens his people will feel valued by the leader and…Continue Reading

Leadership Thots I’ve Been Thinking, November

 Here are a few of the leadeship thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout October.  If you would like to follow me on Twitter you can find me at www.twitter.com/maclake 10:04 Nov 26 Many times organizations build their organizational structures based on relationships rather than reason. 2:13 Nov 25 As the leader I have to learn to ask not only the right questions but the tough questions. 1:25 Nov 24 When leader falls into maintenance mode he plays…Continue Reading

Thoughts I’ve Been Thinking – October

Here are a few of the leadeship thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout October.  If you would like to follow me on Twitter you can find me at www.twitter.com/maclake 2:30 PM Oct 29 Insecure leaders insist that people follow, secure leaders inspire people to follow 1:07 PM Oct 28 A leader finds inspiration when he lives for a movement rather than maintenance 12:05 PM Oct 27 Leaders invest 90% of their time on change…90% of people don’t…Continue Reading

Thoughts I’ve Been Thinking – September

Here are a few of the leadeship thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout September. 2:02 PM Sep 28 Disciplined organizations will drive succession planning beyond the level of senior leadership 12:02 PM Sep 25 Work with people to shape their ideas instead of shut down their ideas 4:48 PM Sep 23 Reactionary giving patterns develop when we only emphasize giving in times of need 11:13 AM Sep 22 When you leave, leave well so you will always…Continue Reading