Equipping Leaders To Multiply

Two Leadership Trade-Offs Not Worth Making

We live in a busy world where leaders make critical decisions every day. And every time you decide to do something, you are also deciding what you will not do.  I used to have a guy ob my team who always pointed out the trade-offs’ reality in our decisions. We would have a new idea, and he would say, “We can do that, but if we do that, then we cannot do the other thing…Continue Reading

Five Habits Every Volunteer Should Master

You could not run your church without volunteers. Being on the frontline your volunteers are the first to engage with guests. But the truth is some volunteers hurt the mission rather than help.  When someone steps into a volunteer role not only are they representing the church they are representing Christ. So it’s important they serve with the right attitudes and actions.  Here are five habits all volunteers should master.  Smile Take initiative Demonstrate loyalty…Continue Reading

Three Pitfalls

You just had another volunteer quit your team. Ouch. That hurts every time. Your frustration with your team is mounting. Who will leave next? And what will be the excuse next time? Before you go blaming their lack of commitment, first, take a step back and evaluate if you’re experiencing any of these three common leadership pitfalls that can lead to volunteer dropout: Lack of preparation. You’ve developed the habit of doing things at the…Continue Reading

Dealing with Difficult Volunteers

I had the opportunity to sit down with Doug Franklin, President of Leadertreks, and ask him some questions about dealing with difficult volunteers.  This short video is packed with some great wisdom on this difficult subject.  You can follow Doug on Twitter @dougfranklin and make sure you subscribe to his blog at www.dougfranklinonline.com.  I’d recommend showing this video to your team and then discuss the questions below. Leadership Discussion 3: Difficult Volunteers from Maclake on…Continue Reading