5 Words Leaders Need to Use Weekly

It doesn't take many words to change the trajectory of someone's life.It just takes the right words, spoken at the right moment. Solomon puts it this way, "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances." Proverbs 25:11 (NASB)I was leading a training session in Florida when Jim shared how his life was turned around in a single moment. Through tears, he recounted how, as a young man, a pastor look him in the eyes and said, "Jim, let me tell you what I see in you." "What I see in you,"; that phrase followed by an authentic articulation of Jim's strengths set his life on a whole different trajectory.When someone looks at you and says, "What I see in you," it removes blinders to your own potential. These words trigger images of possibilities. That simple phrase stimulates a spirit of anticipation and deposits new confidence.Those words spoken in a timely manner can be used by God to change the trajectory of someone's life.Who are the potential leaders around you that need to hear what you see in them today? How could speaking that phrase into them and over them change the trajectory of their lives? What is keeping you from telling them today?In my book Leading Leaders there is an entire Training Session on how to bring out the best in others. You can learn more about this book and others HERE.


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