A Double Take on My 2010 Leadership Growth Plan

As I sat down and began to wrestle through my 2010 Personal Leadership Growth Plan my mind immediately went to the books, tools, systems and people that could help me increase my leadership competency. While it looked good on paper "my plan" seemed deficient.  Then Jesus words from John 15 went through my mind, "Without me you can do nothing."   As these words sank deeper into my thinking it reinforced what I already know…I don’t want to lead without Him.   I don’t want to lead without hearing His voice, feeling His promptings, sensing His guidance or knowing His will.  Yet, truth be known, too often I find myself walking dangerously close to the edge of self-sufficiency.When you've lead for a while and discovered your leadership strengths, solidified your leadership style, anchored your leadership values and grasped your leadership vision it becomes easier to lead without a desperate dependence on God.You know if we aren't careful our efforts to grow as leaders can simply become external adjustments …switch time management systems, learn new leadership techniques, network with the “right” people, all the while neglecting the essentials that make us stronger spiritual leaders. I recall when I surrendered my life to ministry at 18 my focus wasn’t on being a leader, it was on being a servant.  That's the unique difference between leadership and spiritual leadership.  Spiritual leadership is seeking the heart of God and surrendering yourself to advance the will of God.  And developing as a spiritual leader requires more than reading a book or finding a new management technique, it requires the inner work of repentance, surrender, humility and perseverance.  I don't necessarily know how to write these into a plan but I know they are essential for me to be the servant He has called me to be in 2010.What do you need to do this week to take steps to grow as a spiritual leader?


Realigning the Leaders Soul with the Heart of God


Favorite Posts of 2009, #3