Living Water for Africa

My son Brandon leaves for Kenya today on a three week mission trip.  I would like to ask you to pray for him and the team from Seacoast as they reach out to the people of Kenya.  I was able to make my first trip to Africa a few months ago.  While there I was witnessed first hand the despareate need for clean water and the gospel. As Brandon was preparing for his trip he reflected back to the first time he went to Africa and what he witnessed there and wrote the song below to share with his team.  A couple of people at church who loved the song asked to make it into a video to use with Bread of Life missions organization.  I hope you enjoy...Turkana Music Video- "Bread of Life" Missions from Maclake on Vimeo.


Empty bellies, dried up streams, so much famine, so much need.Miles of darkness, miles of dirt, millions hungry, millions hurt.In the Corruption, in the war, thousands dying, thousands more.

Damaged families, broken tribes, lost and lonely children cryingIn the trenches, in the mud, countless children without homesFrom the trash, by their feet, this is dinner, off the street

We will bring, we will bring, your living waterSo they hurt no more, thirst no moreWe will sing, we will sing, of your great hope and promise, yeah we sing!

By his bones, by his blood, came to save, came to loveTurned the water into wine, braved the cross, healed the blindYou have raised the dead to life, you have called us to bring light

Send your rainFather ReignThe pictures below are from my recent trip to Togo, Africa where I saw first hand this desparate need.Africa 4Africa 5Africa 2Africa 3


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