Breaking the discipline – habit barrier

I used to tell my kids discipline is doing that which you don't want to do in order to become what you want to become. Getting your children to be disciplined is a hard sell. It's not just a hard sell for kids it's a hard sell for adults as well.Solomon says in Proverbs 25:28 "like a city whose walls are broken through is the person who lacks self-control."I don't know anyone who wants or says they enjoy discipline. Discipline requires willpower. Discipline requires determination. Discipline is fighting through the excuses. Discipline requires making a choice and sticking with it even when your mind body and emotions are telling you to quit.But something magical happens when you stick with discipline. A switch flips in your mind. And honestly most times you don't notice when it happens, it just happens. And when the switch flips you've just broken the discipline to habit barrier.Habits are different than discipline. It's discipline that builds a habit. But habits do not require willpower, they run on autopilot. Habits do not require determination or making a choice. The choice was made long before and the pattern is ingrained in your mind. That which was hard to do now becomes normative and a part of your lifestyle.The key to maximizing your life is breaking the discipline to habit barrier over and over again in different areas of your life.What habit do you need to establish in your life?


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