How Leaders Build Loyalty

I read a study today that said only 25% of US employees think their employer has earned their loyalty.  Over the past couple of days I've done posts regarding a followers loyalty.  But loyalty is a two way relationship.  A leader values loyalty but can't demand it.  We value it because we know a loyal employee is more likely to be trustworthy, give their best effort, represent the organization well, help shape a positive culture, believe deeply in the mission and be with us for the long haul.  But since you can’t demand loyalty how do build it among those you lead?  Here are a few of the basics...

  • Be grateful.  Show gratitude for the value everyone brings to the organization.  Appreciation is a glue that makes good workers stick around.
  • Be inspiring.  Cast a vision showing how your organization will change the world or make life better for those in need.  People want to know they're giving their lives to something that's genuinely significant.  
  • Be vulnerable.  Admit your mistakes and be honest about your weaknesses.
  • Be encouraging. Find ways to add value to everyone in the organization.   Catch people doing something right and let them know about it.  People want to feel valued by and valuable to their leader.
  • Be fair. Ken Blanchard says, "There is nothing as unequal as the equal treatment of unequals."
  • Be trustworthy.  Demonstrate high integrity in all you say and do.

Today's Leadership Challenge: Choose one of the "BE's" from the list above and find a tangible way to put it into action today.


The Difficulty of Simplicity


Seven Ways to Demonstrate Loyalty