Cast Vision Everyday #visiondrip

Leaders use vision to move people to action, but too often the very vision that inspired people gets pushed aside in the busyness of day to day activities.  I've heard Andy Stanley say, "Vision leaks".  It's true and that's why we as leaders must find ways to daily reinforce our vision.  Will Mancini, my social media friend, in an effort to help all of us find ways to reinforce our vision has started an Open Source Vision Casting Twub (info below).  This all started when Will did a post titled Vision Drip Today where he shared 5 simple things you can do to "drip" vision.  He then followed it up with a post titled Introducing Open Source Vision Casting where he challenged readers to Tweet ways to cast vision every day.  I'm not a poker player but I like a good challenge so I figured I would see Will's 5 and raise him 5 in this post.  Thanks Will for creating this collaborative effort to make us all here you go...5 Things You can do to drip vision...

  • Vision lunches - Invite key influencers in your organization to go to lunch so you can talk to them about the vision God has put on your heart.  You go to lunch everyday anyway so why not ask someone to join you and take that hour to cast vision one on one.
  • Meetings - Take 5-10 minutes prior to every team meeting to share the latest progress toward the vision and share the latest things God has moved on your heart in regard to the vision.
  • Tell a story - You're around people everyday who need to be reminded of the vision so take the opportunity to work a story illustrating the progress or impact of the vision into your conversation.  It's easy, natural and only takes 3-4 minutes.  
  • Prayer Team - I have a friend who has a huge vision and she has recruited a prayer team for her ministry.  Each month she sends her prayer partners updates asking them to pray for various aspects of the vision as well as giving praise reports on the progress.  Consider putting a prayer team together to pray for the vision God has given you.
  • Tweet - Use Twitter to share plans, progress and pithy statements that reinforce your vision.  (How'd you like that alliteration!)  Our Missions Pastor at Seacoast Church  @JasonSurratt is one of the best I've seen at doing this, follow him and watch.

On Dec. 23 Will did a post where he announced a Twub for Vision casting.  You can check out the post by CLICKING HERE and check out the Twub by CLICKING HERE.  Here's his challenge (and vision)...

What if just 100 people share 5 of their best ideas.  What about 1000 people sharing 5 ideas? Why shouldn’t we have thousands of ideas at our disposal from people across the globe? Imagine kingdom folks helping other kingdom folks uncork their biggest and best ideas. Imagine releasing vision from our “stuck on paper” practices to culture-shaping, life-giving moments that flow like a stream through daily ministry.  The rest of us need the immediate ideas that are coming to your mind right now as your read this post.  Here’s how to do it.  Using twitter, share your idea for dripping vision or a positive experience dripping vision using the #visiondrip hashtag.

Give it a try and tweet your own vision drip idea today...and don't forget to add the hashtag #visiondrip


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