Discipline is...

"Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be... disciplined." Titus 1:7-8Discipline is built in the simple, small moments of our lives.  An undisciplined leader demonstrates a lack of respect for the small moments of obedience, weakens his willpower and sets himself up for a potential crisis of character.  I've always  told my children discipline is saying no to the thing I "want" to do so I can be the person God wants me to be.    Discipline is…

  • Getting up instead of pushing the snooze
  • Writing down your priorities for the day (and actually following through)
  • Packing a brown bag instead of eating out
  • Saying “No” to dessert instead of “just a little” dessert
  • Choosing to be positive in conversations rather than negative
  • Pushing hard the last 10 seconds of a one minute sprint
  • Doing a fourth set
  • Turning off the computer and going home on time to be with your family
  • Opening up a book instead of turning on a television

It's discipline in the small moments that build a big character.What does discipline look like for you this today?


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