Do You Know the Soul of Your Team?

It's strange to me that some leaders work along side their team to expand the influence of the church, respond missionally to the community and share the life changing message of Jesus Christ, yet they aren't aware of God's work in each others souls. We become so focused on our work for the souls of others that we forget to share the various aspects of our own spiritual journey with each other.  The soul is the engine in individuals that powers their work, life and ministry.  When the soul is broken down, the individual can't function properly.  That's why as spiritual leaders we must take the time to know the soul of those on our team.  While we don't have to be their best friend or accountability partners there should be a level of awareness of God's work in each others lives. I was reading Romans 16 the other day and counted the names of 33 people Paul mentioned specifically by name.  Thirty three people he worked along side of for the cause of the gospel.  Looking at what he said about them indicates that he wasn't just working with them, he knew them, loved them and cared for them.  Here's a small sampling of what he said about them...

  • Phobe - "give her any help she may need from you."
  • Priscilla & Aqula - "risked their lives for me"
  • Epenetus - "my dear friend"
  • Mary - "worked hard for you"
  • Andronicus and Junias -"Who've been in prison with me." "They're outstanding among the apostles and were in Christ before I was."
  • Ampliatus "Whom I love in the Lord"
  • Stachys- "my dear friend"
  • Apelles - "tested and approved in Christ"
  • Tryphena and Tryphosa - "those women who work hard in the Lord"
  • Persis - "My dear friend who also has worked very hard in the Lord"

 Then Paul says to them, "Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil."This weeks Leadership Challenge:  Spend time doing some "soul" connection with your team.  CLICK HERE for a list of soul care questions.


A Hidden Benefit of Leadership Development


I Know That vs. I Do That