Emotionally Healthy Leaders

Every pastor I know has experienced painful disappointment in ministry.  It happens: a friend betrays you, the family that helped you start the church leaves on bad terms, giving dips by 25% and you have to cut programs or staff, the vision you prayed and wept over is rejected by your elders.  Disappointment happens but it’s how you process it that makes you or breaks you.We all know that ministry can take a toll but rarely do we think about the impact it has on our long term emotional health.  How do you deal with the pain of ministry and maintain an emotionally healthy perspective?  Six years ago I picked up a book titled Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero. The practical principles in this book gave me a new way to look at the inseparable nature of spiritual maturity and emotional health.  Because of the impact he's had on my thinking we'ved asked Pete to be the featured speaker at LAUNCH Networks next Virtual Whiteboard on Wednesday, May 22 at 3:00 EST.  Pete will be sharing his latest thinking about The Emotionally Healthy Leader.Space is limited so register HERE today. Even better have your whole staff watch it together and discuss it afterward.Pete_Scazzero_150x137Peter Scazzero is the founder and senior pastor of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York City. For more information, visit www.emotionallyhealthy.org or Pete’s blog at www.petescazzero.com.FREE EBOOK by Pete - The Emotionally Healthy Planter - https://www.exponential.org/ebooks/emotionallyhealthy/  


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