Facing Organizational Decline

"Organizational decline is more about what you do to yourself than what happens to you." -  Jim Collins, Global Leadership Summit 2010

Leaders never face a static environment.  Conditions are always changing, culture is alway shifting and challenges are always on the horizon. Unfortunately in the face of unexpected difficulty many leaders experience decline in attitude, vision, action, hope, faith, courage or confidence. And when the spirit of the leader is in decline organizational decline is not far behind. Our response to the challenges we face as leaders will make us or break us.  That's why it's important to process them well.

If you're facing challenges in your leadership today here are a few questions to consider…

  • Am I responding in fear or faith?
  • What does God want me to learn as a leader?
  • What's the most important decision I can make today?
  • What are the top three things I need to do to move the organization toward the mission?
  • Who do I need beside me to provide encouragement and strength through this season?


God Confident Leadership


Making a Commitment to Personal Leadership Development