Firsts That Make a Difference

Do you remember your first car, first kiss, first job?  Firsts are hard to forget because they're so special.  The emotional impact of "Firsts" create deep seeded memories in your mind.  "Firsts" leave a lasting impression.  That's why as leaders we must intentionally plan some" Firsts" in our lives that will impact our continual spiritual growth.Many people develop bucket lists, things  they hope to accomplish before they die.  Typically this is a list of "Firsts" that bring us satisfaction.  That's not a bad thing but today I want so suggest you have a second type of bucket list as well.  A lists of things that you want to do that will stretch you and produce growth in your walk with Christ.  This is a list of things that are oriented around serving rather than satisfactiMac with Pastor Silvuson. One of the "Firsts" that I wrote down on my SERVE bucket list two years ago was to teach leadership on six of the continents of the world.  In the past couple of years I've had the privilege of training leaders in North America, South America and Asia.  And now this week I experienced my first opportunity to teach leadership in Africa and it proved to be a transformational experience for me.  While I came as a teacher, I leave a student.  I have never seen such struggle, desperation and hopelessness.  Yet I have never witnessed such faith, courage and sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel.  The lifestyle of the believers here has left me humbled and hungry to know God more.   This is a "First" I will never forget and pray has forever changed me.What are some "Firsts" you can put on your Serve Bucket List?


The Power of Leadership Development


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