Frustrated with Your Failures? Join the Club

Let me ask you a question. What do you think of when you think of the disciple Peter?

  • He tried to walk on water and sank
  • Jesus asked him to pray for a few hours and he fell asleep
  • He rebuked Jesus for talking about dying and Jesus told him, "Get behind me Satan"
  • He wasn’t going to let Jesus wash his feet and Jesus said, "Whoa you don’t understand!"
  • He impulsively chopped the ear off of the soldier who was arresting Jesus
  • Or perhaps his biggest failure, he denied knowing Jesus not just once but three times

 There's more written about Peter than any other disciple and it's amusing that Scripture is not shy about recording his failures. But Peter didn’t let his failures stop him, he evidently knew how to fail successfully. Don't let your failures stop you.  Sometimes the difference between living a great life for God and living in mediocrity is how we handle our failures.


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