What I Know About Vision- Greg Surratt

In Janurary Seacoast Church hosted a Leaders Conference for the leaders from all 13 of our campuses on one night via webcast. With over 1200 leaders attending together we learned how to catch and cast vision for our family, workplace and ministry.  The video below is the first portion of the Leaders Conference featuring Pastor Greg Surratt who talked about "What I know About Vision".  Watch the video and follow the steps below to help you apply these principles. Every Tuesday for the next 4 weeks I will be posting one video from the different conference speakers which included:  Reggie Joiner (How to Cast Vision for your Family), Ray Snyder (How to Cast Vision in the Workplace), and Steven Furtick (How to Cast vision as a Ministry Leader).  Enjoy!Leadership Conference - 2010 - Greg Surratt from Seacoast Church on Vimeo.ACTION STEPS1.  Watch Pastor Greg's teaching on Vision and take notes in the space belowWhat I know About Vision

  • A clear vision _______________________ in your life.
  • A clear vision ________________________ to keep moving forward
  • A clear vision ________________________________
  • A clear vision _______________________________ of other people

How to Get a Vision

  • Create _________________ in your life to listen to God.
  • Ask God to _______________________ in the process.
  • Keep a ________________________
  • Write the _____________________________ of what the future looks like.
  • Set ___________________ so every day you get closer to the vision.

2. Set aside several hours and write "the story" of the future for your family, work and/or ministry.  Follow the five steps Pastor Greg listed in his talk.3.  Identify the major distractions that are keeping you from being lazer focused on your vision.  What adjustments do you need to make in your schedule to gain greater clarity and focus?4.  Buy a good book on vision and read it over the next 30 days.  Here are a few good reads...


Live Like Jesus -- Lead Like Jesus


5 Minute Leadership Development