Happy Birthday to Blogging

This week marks the One Year Birthday of my blog.  A little over a year ago our Senior Pastor Greg Surratt challenged me to start blogging about leadership.  To be honest I was reluctant but felt God was using him to urge me in this direction.  So I've made it one year.  Here are three lessons I've learned after a year of blogging.1.  Blogging is a discipline.  Once I was convinced to start I got excited but two months into it I began to wonder what in the world I was going to write about.  The experts I read said if you are going to start blogging make a commitment to a certain number of posts per week.  I committed to 4-5 per week and quickly discovered that it requires discipline to think, plan and write that often.  While it is difficult the discipline is good for me.2.  Blogging is a great personal growth experience.  Before I started blogging I had to answer the "Why" question.  Why was I going to blog?  After praying and thinking about it for some time I decided I was going to blog in order to chronicle what I am learning about leadership.  As a leader I want to learn something new everyday and blogging forces me to look for new leadership lessons and then put into words what I'm learning.3.  Blogging is a great way to spread ideas and philosophies.  One of the greatest surprises throughout the year is how many people are reading and giving such encouraging feedback.  I'm very passionate about my  beliefs on leadership and it has been so rewarding to be able to get some of my core beliefs out to those who who are hungry to learn more about leadership and leadership development. So for all those who are reading...THANK YOU so much for your faithful readership and constant encouragement.


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