Has Your Leadership Pipeline Dried Up?

I talk with pastors from across the country all the time who tell me their leadership pipelines are dry.  Without the development of new leaders any organization will soon be in trouble.  But instead of acknowledging the problem many stick their heads in the sand and hope for a better tomorrow.  Serious action toward building new leaders will not take place until there is a serious look at the current condition of your pipeline of leaders.  Here are a few signs that your leadership pipeline may be dry,

  • The same old people doing the same old things
  • Desperation tactics to recruit new leaders
  • A leader moves out of his position and the ministry declines or dies
  • Leaders are doing all the work themselves and not intentionally developing others
  • Recruiting for today’s need not recruiting for tomorrows growth.
  • Leader not making training a priority
  • Growth is limited because there are not enough leaders to support

Mark Effron one of Hewitt Packers Senior executives says, "There's an underwhelming level of investment in developing great leaders, more leaders are concerned with building a legacy based on their own actions versus a pipeline of leaders."What are the other signs you see of a dry leadership pipeline?


Unclogging Your Leadership Pipeline


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