I'm Angry

I'm angry.  I don't know exactly where to direct my anger.  All I know is I keep hearing the same story over and over again and each time it makes me more angry. Since moving to Atlanta to start the LAUNCH Network I've met with literally hundreds of young men who are unreservedly sold out to Jesus and feel passionately called to plant a church that will reach the lost.  Some of these young leaders tell me the encouraging story of how their Senior Pastor is challenging, developing and even resourcing them to go start a new church.  But others aren't so fortunate.   They have to keep their calling secret and their passion under wraps.  They tell stories of insecure, territorial and small minded senior leaders.  Too many of these young men have told me the very same thing, "If I tell my lead pastor that I want to plant a church I will be fired immediately and escorted out the door."I DON'T GET IT! Why are some senior leaders so threatened?  How could a fully surrendered, Christ centered leader not support the multiplication of churches for the expansion of the Kingdom?  With 3500 churches closing their doors every year in the US we need more young leaders stepping up and starting new works that will reach this generation.If you're a lead pastor who's ready to make take the calling of reproduction serious.  If you're a senior leader who wants to see a movement of the Gospel spread among this next generation. If you're ready to see your church become a part of a church planting movement let's unite and synergize our efforts to make a difference.  LAUNCH network is looking for church planting churches who are serious about investing in next generation planters.  In fact our MISSION is to partner with churches to inspire and equip next generation planters to lead strong.Let's turn anger into action and do something about this.


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