Leadership Insurance

Are you putting the organization you love at risk?Who in your organization knows how to do the different elements of your job?It doesn't have to be one person; it could be three or four people that have the necessary skill set. The important thing is that you're able to answer that question with a specific name or names.When a leader is not reproducing themselves in the lives of others, they are putting their organization at risk. The longer you're in your role without equipping others in the necessary skill set to do your role, the higher the risk your organization faces.Make a list of the 5 to 7 key skills required to do your job.Now write down the names of 1 to 3 people you can begin to teach those skills to. Give them opportunities to observe you. Tell them what you're doing. Don’t promise them a job. Let them know you're setting the organization up for success in case something happens to you.Your intentional focus on the development of leaders actually is providing life insurance for your organization. It is a greater assurance that someone can step in and lead according to your values and culture and provide direction in your absence should it unexpectedly come. This is just like life insurance - it gives you security that you have it, but you hope you don't have to use it.


A Shift from Traditional Leadership Development


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