Leadership Thots I've Been Thinking - Janurary

Here are a few leadership thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout December and January.  You can follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/maclake

  • The leaders #1 job is to shape the corporate culture of their organization, it's way too important to leave to chance 2:33 PM Jan 28
  • When a leader engages conflict he opens the door for increased intimacy and understanding. 1:33 PM Jan 27
  • When a leader truly listens his people will feel valued by the leader and valuable to the organization  2:07 PM Jan 26
  • A leader who is struggling may have the right skills but operating with the wrong values 2:05 PM Jan 21
  • You're not finished developing a leader until that leader begins developing someone themselves. 1:15 PM Jan 20
  • "Don't try to be the best church in your community, be the best church for your community" Eric Swanson #leadnet 9:56 AM Jan 20
  • Wrong question: What's the cost of doing training? Right Question: What's it cost your organization when you don’t do training? 11:00 AM Jan 19
  • Making the wrong small decisions repeatedly over time corrode character, reputation, team unity, morale, and spiritual vibrancy. 1:10 PM Jan 18
  • Leaders love to go fast but don't go so fast that there's no one behind you. 1:05 PM Jan 1
  • Learning from our failures by asking the right questions lifts us to new levels of leadership wisdom 11:27 AM Jan 6
  • If we simply change our behavior without changing our thinking, our thinking will eventually lead us back to the very same behavior. 12:39 PM Jan 5
  • Spiritual leadership is seeking the heart of God and surrendering yourself to advance the will of God. 1:17 PM Jan 4
  • Importance of feedback: "IF you don't know how you've performed you don't learn and you soon stop caring" Colvin. 10:25 AM Dec 10
  • If you find yourself saying, "Oh, we should've..." frequently then it's an indication that you aren't leading with intentionality. 1:36 PM Dec 9
  • Leaders who do not reproduce other leaders are short sited and ultimately damage the long term health of their organization 1:25 PM Dec 8
  • Leaders who celebrate victories maintain a higher morale than average organizations 1:31 PM Dec 2

Time for a 2010 Goal Check-up


Don't Be Clueless about Your Corporate Culture