Leadership Thots I've Been Thinking, November
Here are a few of the leadeship thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout October. If you would like to follow me on Twitter you can find me at www.twitter.com/maclake
- 10:04 Nov 26 Many times organizations build their organizational structures based on relationships rather than reason.
- 2:13 Nov 25 As the leader I have to learn to ask not only the right questions but the tough questions.
- 1:25 Nov 24 When leader falls into maintenance mode he plays it safe, postpones decisions, procrastinates on projects and paralyzes the organization.
- 1:15 PM Nov 19 Understanding the strengths of your staff enables you to effectively position them for success.
- 1:15 PM Nov 18 When starting new Lead Dev efforts dont start with the place of grtest need, start with the point of grtest influence, that way it sticks.
- 1:19 PM Nov 17 Passionate leadership gives people faith to believe despite obstacles.
- 1:15 PM Nov 16 The ability to articulate your ideas is just as important as the ability to create ideas
- 1:15 PM Nov 15 Many churches are doing leadership development to meet a need rather than to develop leaders.
- 7:44 AM Nov 14 Leadership development is usually the 1st thing to go in leaders busy schedule or budget crunch...remember that doesnt help the situation.
- 9:59 AM Nov 12 Fear is the leaders opportunity to break through to a new level of faith and leadership
- 1:39 PM Nov 9 A great equipper is one who takes the messy material of one's failure and shapes them into life-changing learning experiences.
- 2:15 PM Nov 5 When a leader shines the light on himself he takes the light off the vision
- 4:15 PM Nov 4When your organization does leadership development it communicates to employees "We want to invest in your success"
- 1:15 PM Nov 3 Cast vision with passion or others wont be convinced that you're convinced
- 1:15 PM Nov 2 Leadership development requires patience, grace, and understanding
- 12:05 PM Oct 29 Insecure leaders insist that people follow, secure leaders inspire people to follow