Leadership Thoughts I've Been Thinking: December

Here are a few of the leadership thoughts I’ve tweeted throughout December.  If you would like to follow me on Twitter you can find me at www.twitter.com/maclake

  • Dec 30, 5:03pm To maximize your leadership potential you cannot depend solely on development from others you must develop the habit of self-development
  • Dec 29, 4:47pm So what do you do when everything you're doing isn't working? More of the same is not the answer
  • Dec 28, 4:39pm People avoid that which they're afraid of. That may explain why some of your staff are not developing leaders #LeadershipDevelopment
  • Dec 17, 6:03pm When you have a mindset of succession you will have a regular practice of multiplication
  • Dec 16, 2:38pm Reading daily will make reading a discipline #personalgrowth
  • Dec 16, 2:20pm Leadership development is about changing the leadership beliefs and behaviors of those your training
  • Dec 13, 9:28am Leadership development should always be done in a way that can be reproduced by the one you're developing so they can develop others
  • Dec 12, 10:13am What you give ATTENTION to will ADVANCE #leadership
  • Dec 07, 11:31am People value what adds value to them #leadershipdevelopment
  • Dec 05, 1:21pm Collaboration makes you wiser, your team stronger and your organization more effective #leadership
  • Dec 04, 7:38pm There is a talent war raging. Is your organization winning or losing?
  • Nov 26, 8:59am Great intentions don’t produce growth, discipline does. #selfleadership
  • Nov 12, 6:10pm What would you tell you if you were in your situation? #selfleadership

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