Leading from the Overflow

To LEAD from a PLACE of overflow, you have to live from the PRACTICE of intake.

Daily leading is draining. If we are not careful, the demand to continually give and serve others can leave us empty. And, an empty leader is not a healthy leader.

I've never been able to make wise decisions, manage my emotions, or lead with pure motives when my soul is on E.

It fascinates me that Jesus said, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Yet, so many of us in ministry complain of being overworked and under-joyed (I know that's not a word, but it is a reality).

Some of you may have been leading on empty for a long time. Others have been surviving on a half tank for longer than you want to admit. The scary thing is, leaders are adaptable. We can figure out HOW to lead from empty. And when we adapt to empty rather than adjusting to refuel, leading on E becomes standard, acceptable, and normative.

How full is your tank?

Don't accept E.
Don't tell yourself, "half-tank works for me."
Don't deceive yourself, saying this is just a season.

Pray, ask God to fill you with a fresh hunger for his Spirit.
Seek, stay in His Word until you hear His voice.
Be curious, dig deeper, ask better questions until your soul is so stirred that you cannot imagine it will ever be quenched.

Then, when you can no longer contain it, let God speak through you from the overflow.


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