Learning the Benefits of Multi-site

My friend Sebastiaan Van Wessem came for a visit to Seacoast recently to learn more about multi-site ministry.  Sebastiaan is the lead pastor of Thousand Hills International Church in Hilversum, Netherlands.  This young pastor is one of the most teachable and hungry leaders I've ever meet, and God is using him to reach the lost in a very difficult territory.  Sebastiaan was one of the earliest members of our Leading Multisite Social Networking Community; when he heard about Seacoast mentor based approach to leadership development he implemented it right away; at a recent conference I watched as he hardly made it to sessions because he was so busy networking and learning from anyone he could talk to.  He  exemplifies the truth- when a leader remains teachable, he remains usable.  In this video interview Sebastiaan shares about Thousand Hills decision to go multi-site and what he's learning along his multi-site journey. 


It's Not About the Curriculum


Planning Good or Evil?