Monday Morning Questions

I love questions.  Questions have power to redirect our thinking, make priorities clear and bring greater wisdom for our situations.  Solomon said in Proverbs 3:13-14, “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.”  Notice that wisdom, like silver or gold, must be sought out, dug up or uncovered through great effort.  Sunday night is a great time for me to seek out wisdom for the new week by thinking through the right questions.  So here are my questions as I begin my week:

  1. What am I looking for God to do in my life this week?
  2. What are my top 3 priorities for the week?
  3. Have I put my priorities in my schedule?
  4. Have I scheduled time to think and dream this week?
  5. What am I going to read this week that will grow me as a leader?
  6. If I could only meet with three people this week, who would it be, why?

Spend a few minutes reflecting on these questions.  What questions are you asking at the start of your week?


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