More Money for Ministry

Has today's economy put a squeeze on your church budget?  Do you find yourself reducing costs, cutting staff or stressed over making the monthly budget?  Are you questioning how you're going to get more money for ministry?  Well, LAUNCH wants to help you find answers.  On Monday December 6 we will be hosting our first Whiteboard session entitled, More Money for Ministry, featuring Casey Graham of The Change Group.  During this two hour highly interactive learning experience you will have the opportunity to share best practices, hear stories of financial victories and failures, discover 5 Key financial drivers, walk out with an action plan and best of all be coached by Financial expert Casey Graham.Casey worked for 10 years in the trenches of local church ministry.  He most recently served at Mountain Lake Church as the Chief Financial Officer.  He is the author of Funded and Free and works with hundreds of churches across the United States helping them establish healthy financial systems.  Learn more about Casey's ministry by visiting his blog at www.beancreator.comThe Whiteboard session, which is being held at West Ridge Church, in Dallas GA, will be followed by a FREE lunch where you will have the opportunity to hear about a new model for inspiring, equipping and resourcing next generation church planters.I hope you can join us, sign up today at


LAUNCH Network Vision Meeting


Be Unreasonable