Move Forward with Fear

Fear is not a quality many leaders long to develop in their lives.  But I do believe there is a healthy dose of fear that every leader needs. Today I was reading Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge." The Hebrew word for knowledge means wisdom, discernment, understanding, skill or perception. These are all things that I long for as a leader. One of my constant prayers is that God would give me "Leadership Instinct". I define leadership instinct as the wisdom to act in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Solomon says that type of instinct starts with fearing God. Why? Because God is all wise and all knowing. And He shares His mind and heart with those who love and revere Him. So I must move forward throughout my day with a healthy fear of the Lord.  And as I do it's more likely that I will hear His voice, know His heart, do His will and be the Leader He has created me to be.What does the fear of the Lord produce in my life? According to Proverbs fear of the Lord...

  • Gives me Knowledge 1:7
  • Gives me Knowledge of God 2:5
  • Gives me a distaste for evil 8:13
  • Gives me Wisdom 9:10, 15:33
  • Adds length to my life 10:27
  • Aids in living a righteous lifestyle 14:2
  • Helps me Avoid evil 14:16, 16:6
  • It is a fountain of life 14:27; 19:23
  • Produces an atmosphere of security in my home 14:26
  • Brings wealth and honor 22:4
  • Keeps me from being envioius 23:17
  • Brings blessing 28:14

Not a bad list of benefits!  Move forward with fear.


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