Multi-site Lessons from a Multisite Leader

I had the chance recently to spend some time with Matt Fry, lead pastor at C3 Church in Clayton, NC.  Matt is a dynamic leader who God has used to lead C3 to some amazing growth over the past 11 years.  In this video Matt shares about C3's recent decision to go Multi-site and what he's learned on this journey.  Scroll down below the video for My Takeaways from the video.  You can follow Matt on Twitter at @mattfry, check out C3's website at and make sure you stop by his blog at Takeaways

  • One of the major factors that can keep a church from growing is the size of the facility.  If the box is not big enough you can only hold so many people and limit your growth.
  • Multi-site is a strategic way to help your church grow and reach your community when you're limited by facilities or finances.
  • There's no one way of doing multi-site.  Learn all you can from those doing it and then go with what God gives you.  If you need some support, ideas and answers make sure you check out our Multi-site Social Networking Community where you can connect with and learn from over 600 multi-site leaders.
  • When you decide to go multi-site make sure you count the cost.  While there are many long term gains, there are some short term pains.  Some of your core people leave to go help start the new campus.  It takes time to back fill, but the void opens up opportunities for those who have been on the sidelines to get into the game.
  • Multi-site takes dollars, resources and leadership.
  • I loved it when Matt said, "People are getting saved watching me on video at our multi-site campus!"  Multi-site is another strategic approach to evangelism.  Over 2000 Churches today have multiple campuses.

If you enjoyed Matt's story make sure you tweet him a word of encouragement @mattfry.


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