My Creative Credo

I read about a company that started in Switzerland called The BrainStore.  Frustrated with traditional approaches to innovation that rely on coincidence and serendipity, BrainStore developed the Idea Factory Process.  Clients come from all over for all kinds of ideas.  The Cancer Assocation went to The BrainStore for ideas on how to promote the use of Sunprotection products.  A 70 year old woman went to them for ideas that might help her fall in love again. The BrainStore has created an innovative organization that continually innovates new ideas.  I believe innovation and creativity are essential for being relevant and effective so I have developed a Creative Credo.Creative Credo…

  1. I believe there is great power in ideasIdeas change the world.  Former Quaker Oats President, Ken Mason said, “I’m not impressed with the power of a corporate president, I am impressed with the power of ideas.”
  2. I believe Innovation is a team sportInnovation really takes hold in an organization when a team works together on ideas.  Oliver Wendell homes said, “Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up.
  3. I will not be an idea killerCharlie Brower said, “A new idea is delicate, it can be killed by a sneer or a yawn.  It can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right person’s brow.  We need to create an atmosphere where ideas are encouraged.
  4. I won’t just take time to think…I will make time to think.Thinking is an investment in your future, the future of the organization, the future of the Kingdom. Practice "what if" thinking…  What if I had unlimited funds, what if I could talk with an expert, what if we could start over, etc...
  5. I understand that not all good ideas have to be big ideasSome of the best ideas that make it big are small ideas.  I read about a company who put up a suggestion board and announced they would pay $100 reward for any idea that would save the company money.  The first winner, an employee who suggested cutting the award to $50.
  6. I will be willing to take a RiskFW Woolworth convinced his boss to have a 10 cent sell to reduce inventory.  The idea worked so well he encouraged his boss to open a five and dime store, but he declined saying it was too risky.  Later his boss said, “As far as I can figure every word I used turning FF Woolworth down cost me about a million dollars."
  7. I will acitvely seek out new people, places and experiencesGeorge Ballas came up with the idea for the weedeater when he went through a car wash and noticed the strings slapping and surrounding his car.  When we open our eyes and open our minds we find seeds of ideas everywhere.
  8. I will have FUN

The Ideation Experience


The Followers Gift