A Very Special Love Song

A little over a week ago our oldest son Brandon married Brittany Schneider in one of the most beautiful and fun weddings I've ever attended.   It was one of the highlights of my life to stand by his side as best man and watch my son make one of the biggest commitments of his life.  A commitment to serve, cherish, adore, protect and love the woman that God hand picked for him to spend his life with.  The words to this song he wrote and sang for Brittany express the commitment they made to one another on that day. On this Valentines Day listen to the words and make a fresh commitment to your spouse. Remember Solomon said in Proverbs 18:22, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord."Here's one of the shots my Brother-In-Law Kip from Karson Photography shot that day. CLICK HERE to see more pics from that day


Self-Evaluation as a Development Technique


Velocity Church Planting Conference