Opportunity Knocks

Knock, knock? Who's there? Opportunity. Opportunity who?

My typical response when opportunity knocks is to ask questions, lots of questions. 

Why? Because I'm always suspicious of opportunity. It can fool you. Often it comes disguised in "get rich quick" clothing. So yes, we have to be cautious. Chasing the wrong opportunity will cost you time, energy, credibility, and money. 

You don't have to open the door to every opportunity, but you don't want to miss a good one. So you need to ask some questions. 

The wrong questions

  • What will people think of me? 
  • How will this benefit me?
  • Will I look foolish? 
  • How much is this going to cost me?
  • Is this a trick? 

The right questions 

  • Does it align w our mission?
  • Does it align with our core values?
  • Will it have a beneficial return on investment?
  • Who can I seek advice from about this opportunity?
  • Are my key leaders bought in on this opportunity?
  • Will this distract us from that which is most important in this season?

Don't let the WRONG questions cause you to miss the RIGHT opportunity.

Need to process your opportunity more? Check out the Opportunity Matrix https://bit.ly/2YMSaii 


10 Questions to Stimulate Your Growth


Leadership is a Tricky Dance