Out with the Old, In with the New

Do you ever put on an outfit and your kids look at you and say, "Dad you're not going to wear that out in public are you?"  Yeah, I get that more often than I would like.  So maybe it's time for me to head over to Abercrombie and Finch and pick up some new threads...ummm, at age 47 probably not a good idea, I think I'll just stick with my dockers and polos for now. Well recently I was looking at my old blog and decided it was a little outdated.  So it's time to be Out with the Old and In with the New.  I shut down my old blog on Blogger, contacted Gabe Taviano to design a new blog in WordPress and "WALLA", here we go, a new and improved blog.  Gabe, I thank you and my children thank you.


My Leadership Development Wake Up Call