Put Some Life in Your Goal Setting

Why is it that each time you inform everyone that it's time to establish new goals there seems to be a collective groan heard throughout the organization?  We know goals are necessary to establish clear performance expectations, measure progress and provide accountability.  But while that last sentence is true…it just doesn't inspire or motivate people to put their goals in writing.  There are many reasons people don't like to set goals (a post for another day) but one of the biggest is goal setting is boring.  We have to write out a specific statement that can be measured by a realistic number to be accomplished by a certain time…zzzzzz.    Desiring to put some life in our goal setting process at Seacoast Church this year we decided to take a different approach.  Influenced by a post by Donald Miller, (CLICK HERE to see that post)  we laid out our goals in story. Story puts heart and soul in your goals.  So last week at All Staff meeting our Senior Pastor Greg Surratt invites us to join him at Starbucks January 2011 and look back at what happened at Seacoast in 2010.  He tells a story that helped us get an idea of what God wants to do in our church this year.  Check out this video to see how it went. (You can fast forward the first two minutes to get to the beginning of his goal talk)Seacoast All Staff Meeting 1/26/10 from Seacoast Church on Vimeo.


A Plan for Shaping Your Corporate Culture


Time for a 2010 Goal Check-up