Seacoast Leaders Conference

Beleaders togethering a multisite church has many benefits as well as many challenges.  Multiple locations requires that you have many leaders, but getting all the leaders from all locations at the same time for leadership training is a challenge.  In the past we've held "Leader Rallies" in our three regions on three consecutive days traveling to three different locations.  This was great for getting the regions together but we wanted to bring ALL of our leaders together.So this Friday we are trying something new.  Through the power of technology we are doing our first All Leaders Conference for the leaders of all our ministries all at one time.  Leaders from all of our campuses will be joining in all at the same time.  Some gathering at their campus, some from their homes with their ministry teams and others simply joining us from the comfort of their computer. The conference will focus on the leadership topic of VISION.  Our desire is to help our leaders become better biblical leaders not just better church leaders so we will focus on how to cast vision in your home, workplace and ministry.  Our Senior Pastor Greg Surratt will kickoff the evening talking about the importance of vision.  He will then be followed by Reggie Joiner, from The Rethink Group who will be talking about Casting Vision in Your Home.  Next, Business Professor Ray Snyder will talk to us about Casting Vision as a Marketplace Leader.  And the evening will be closed out by Steven Furtick, lead pastor at Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC talking about How to Cast Vision as a Ministry Leader.If you are interested in attending the conference non-Seacoasters can register at  and register as a guest.


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