Small Group Leader Training Session 2

On Wednesday November 4, I posted Session One of Seacoast Church new online Small Group Training.  As we are preparing to launch this new training we thought we would get your input.  We had a great response so we decided to put session two our there as well.  Please take a few minutes to work your way through this session then send me an email with your feedback.  See something that you would change...let me know.  Working together we can make each module better.

Planning and Organizing Your Small Group

IntroductionWelcome to Session 2, Planning and Organizing Your Small Group. During this session you will learn what truly matters while preparing for your small group meeting.  An online journal has been provided for you to record your notes and thoughts, or feel free to use a notebook of your own.  Be sure to bring your notes when you meet with your mentor.Part 1Watch Part 2 of the video series, "Our Group" where Doug and Michelle ask Chris to lead the group for his first time.   When you have finished watching the video, reflect on the questions below:Edutainment Video - “Flying Solo"Episode 2: "Flying Solo" from Seacoast Church on Vimeo.

  • What stood out to you the most from this episode of Our Group?
  • List the mistakes that were made in this episode of “Our Group”.  Which could you relate to the most? 
  • What are the common mistakes a small group leader makes in setting an atmosphere for a comfortable group experience? 
  • Reflect on a time you had an uncomfortable or awkward small group experience.  What did you learn from that experience?  If you had been leading the group what would you have done differently?

Part 2Video Teaching - Planning and Organizing Your Small Group with Josh SurrattDuring this session, Josh discusses the four essential elements of planning for a small group meeting. When you have finished watching the video, reflect on the questions below:Teaching Video Planning and Organizing Your Small Group from Seacoast Church on Vimeo.

  • What stood out to you the most from Josh’s video teaching?
  • How did Josh’s teaching change your perspective on preparing for your small group meeting? 
  • What is most important to you when setting the group atmosphere?  Why is setting a comfortable group atmosphere so important? 
  • How can you share some of the responsibility of preparing for group time with your group members?  What roles can they play?

Part 3Explore the Word - Read the following Bible passage and reflect on the questions below:Proverbs 15:22Without counsel plans fail,but with many advisers they succeed.  Proverbs 16:3Commit your work to the Lord,and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:9The heart of man plans his way,but the Lord establishes his steps.  Proverbs 21:5The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance,but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

  • Which of these Proverbs about planning stood out to you the most?  Why?
  • Do you tend to underplan or overplan?  Why?
  • How can a lack of planning impact the small group experience?
  • How can overplanning impact the small group experience?
  • What steps do you need to take to have a balanced approach to planning your small group?

 Part 4The ChallengeDuring this session you have learned the importance of planning and preparing for your small group meeting.  Since you are preparing to lead here are a few assignments you can do that will help you be better prepared when it's time to lead your own group.

  1. Meet with your current small group leader/mentor and discuss what they are doing to prepare for their next group meeting.  How do they prepare for study time?  How do they set the group atmosphere?   How do they help their group members make new people feel welcome?
  2. Serve as the host of small group.  Ask your current leader/mentor to let you host the next small group meeting in your home.  If that isn't possible then arrive early to the group meeting next time and assist the leader in hosting wherever the group meets.
  3. Using the following questions below, think through the details of preparing to start your own small group.   Discuss your plan with your mentor.
    • Who will you invite to your small group?
    • When are you planning on meeting?  How often? 
    • What are you planning on studying?
    • What roles in the group will you delegate?
    • Where will you meet?  Describe the atmosphere you hope to create. 
    • What do you plan on doing the first time you meet as a group?

Part 5Meet with Your MentorSchedule a time to meet with your mentor and discuss what you learned from the various aspects of this session.(For Blog readers – The mentor is typically the learners small group leader and is provided with a Mentor Guide that summarizes this lesson and provides questions for them to ask during the mentoring session)Okay now it is time to give us some feedback…what can we do to make this session better?


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