Small Group Ministry Resource

Do you need some help with the small group ministry at your church?  Are you looking for tips and training for your leaders?  Then you have to check out  This new website is actually an extreme makeover of the old Small Group Exchange  website. Nearly a year ago the guys at asked me to serve on their advisory board for The Small Group Exchange.  During this time I've had the opportunity to get to know Scott Mosely, Director of Operations, and Mark McCartney, Director of Events and have discovered these guys have a huge heart for the Kingdom and an unmatched desire to help the local church.  They also display a passion for excellence  by always evaluating what they are doing.  So check out the new version of this site and let us know what you think.  What do you like?  What do you not like?  What do we need to add to better serve your needs as a small group pastor, coach or leader?  We really do want to hear from you.You'll love this site, it features training sessions, articles, videos, resources and Case studies. (Make sure you check out the Seacoast Church Small Group Case Study)Smallgrouptrader


Overcoming the Fear of Technology


Shifting the Focus of our Leadership Development Efforts