When Leaders Fall into Maintenance Mode
Are you living with a high sense of momentum or have you fallen into maintenance mode? In the world of software development programmers use the term maintenance mode to refer to that time which a program is considered to be complete and further development is unnecessary. There have been times I've found myself at this point, not because I consider myself complete, but because I've lost my energy, passion or vision. While maintenance mode is a good thing for a computer program, it's a dangerous thing for a leader or an organization. When a leader hits maintenance mode he suffers from boredom, feels unchallenged, let's opportunities pass him by, settles for good enough, speaks less frequently about the vision, no longer carries a passionate energy and worst of all he stops looking for God sized things to happen. If you stay there to long it has a negative impact on your organization. Here are five common dangers when a leader gets stuck in maintenance mode
- It breeds a spirit of complacency among other team members
- It causes the organization to miss prime opportunities
- It kills creativity and innovation
- It causes others to settle for mediocrity
- It reduces fresh movements from the hand of God
- It brings growth to a halt
Do you see signs of maintenance mode in your leadership? What do you need to do this week to stir a fresh momentum and movement of God? If you could see God do one thing in your life or ministry over the next 30 days what would it be?