The Power of Urgency

When an organization has momentum hardly anything can stop it.  People are excited, goals are achieved, results are produced, morale is high and wins come easy.  But when there's an absence of momentum it’s a different story: meaningful results are a rarity, team members are complacent, cynicism is the norm and the organization experiences decline.Sometimes leaders are paralyzed as they look the loss of momentum in the face.  They become focused on fear, failure and decline.  They grow suspicious of team members and trust begins to erode.  Instead of focusing on solutions they focus on excuses.There are many things needed for a turn around but the primary ingredient to a fresh burst of momentum is the leaders sense of urgency. Without it nothing will change.

  • Urgency comes when a leader embraces his responsibility to lead.
  • Urgency comes when the leader sees the challenge as a personal growth opportunity.
  • Urgency comes when the leader goes before God to receive a picture of His preferred future.
  • Urgency comes when the leader recognizes that synergizing the strengths of his team is the greatest asset at his disposal.
  • Urgency comes when the leader begins to hope again.

When the leader moves with a healthy sense of urgency the organization gains a healthy sense of momentum.


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