Vision: How Far Do You See?

I'm fascinated by vision.  The way God wired me causes me to spend much of my time thinking, dreaming and planning for the future.  But I'm never satisfied with how far I can see, always wanting to look a little further ahead.At 28 years old I attended my first John Maxwell leadership conference.  I sat and listened to John cast a vision that was larger than anything my mind had ever conceived.  While I was inspired, I was also discouraged.  I began to compare my vision to his and felt my vision was short-sited and small. So following the sessions I nervously approached him and said, "I listen to you talk about your vision and I can't help but feel mine is to shortsighted.  How can I see further?"  His answer to me that day was such an encouragement.  He said, "Vision is like the headlights of a car, they only shine 300 feet ahead.  I can only see a limited distance just like you, but I'm just further down the road than you." I've learned over the years that as I keep my heart open to what God wants to do in my life He will give me just enough vision to keep me dependent on him, and not too much as too make me prideful.  The secret is not to create vision but to receive vision from God's heart in God's time.


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