What Do Volunteer Leaders Do?

When I was a church planter I quickly discovered the critical value of lay leaders. In the beginning we had little time, money or resources but we had some amazing volunteer leaders who became my most valuable asset.  We established a leadership team of seven point people to oversee the primary ministries of the church. While I knew it was the wise thing to do, I really didn’t have a clue what I wanted these leaders to do. That’s when I wrote out this seven part job description. Their job was to be L.E.A.D.E.R.S who would provide the following for their area of ministry:

  • Leadership development – provide initial and ongoing training for the members of your ministry team.
  • Empowerment – Delegate roles and responsibilities that ensure your ministry area is operating effectively. 
  • Affirmation - Encourage your team members in the use of their gifts and strengths. Catch people doing things right.
  • Direction - Cast a compelling vision that is in alignment with the overall vision of the church.
  • Evaluation -Lead your team through regular evaluation identifying areas for continual improvement.
  • Recruitment- Work with team members to continually enlist new volunteers and adequately staff your area of ministry.
  • Soul Care - Encourage the spiritual development and health of those on your team.

Providing this simple job description gives point leaders the definition and latitude they need to lead effectively.  It also gives you a tool to evaluate and coach them in their role.


Small Group Leadership Session 3


Pathways to Discipleship