What energy will you bring to 2021?

Today marks 20 years of working out consistently.

I don't always feel like going in, see results, make forward progress, or have the time. But I go anyway.

Not working out is easier than working out. Both have a cost. I'd much rather pay the price of consistently working out than the alternative.

God not only deserves my best EFFORT, but He also deserves my best ENERGY. Energy doesn't come from sitting and eating sugary foods.

Deuteronomy 34:7 tells us, "Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone." (NIV)

God did not pull Moses off the playing field because he was too tired. He retired him because Moses had accomplished God's will for his life. What amazes me is Moses had the energy to keep going. One hundred twenty years old!! He gets my vote for the cover of Men's Fitness. I want to live and do ministry with that level of vitality.

Not eating right and exercising will have no visible impact on your life today. Not even tomorrow. It's a cumulative effect that needs to scare us, motivate us, and inspire us. Ditch the diets and decide on a lifestyle.

Exercising and eating right is not about what you look like. It's about what you feel like. It's about bringing the best energy you have to your work and to those you love. I'm not where I could be, I'm not where I wanna be, but I thank God that the Holy Spirit prompted me 20 years ago to start this discipline. I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I was still eating processed foods and living a sedentary lifestyle.

Want to have more energy in 2021?

  • Ditch the diet adopt a lifestyle
  • Learn what is healthy and unhealthy to eat
  • Move your body
  • Start today.
  • Do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next
  • Don't do the health journey alone. Make it a team effort with friends or family.
  • Don't forget the fruit of the Spirit among many things is "self-control". Health is more of a spiritual discipline than a physical discipline.
  • Don't pray before meals asking God to bless foods that are un-blessable :)

May God richly bless your health in 2021


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