What is a Leader?

After the first year of my church plant, I recognized that I had put leaders in key positions to help me lead the church but I had not clarified what I really needed them to do.As a result of not providing clear expectations I was frustrated with them and they were frustrated with me. That’s when I learned the principle: If you don’t have shared expectations you will have shared frustrations.So I asked myself two questions. First, what is a leader? Many people have defined leader and it would be easy to simply grab someone else's definition but I wanted to think it through. For me, I defined a leader as someone who leverages their relational influence with a team of people to get the right things accomplished through those people.The second question I asked was, What does a leader do? My answer to that question became a game-changer for both me and my leaders.In this weeks video, I explain the seven key responsibilities of a leader. Explaining and training my leaders in these seven was a transitional moment for our entire team.Watch the video with your team and use the discussion questions in the description to come up with your own clear expectations for your leaders.[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAmvcoMFORA[/embedyt]Discussion QuestionsWhat is our definition of leader?How clearly have we explained what we expect of our leadersWhich of the L.E.A.D.E.R.S responsibilities do we see our leaders doing the best? WHich one do they need to grow in?What can we do to better equip our leaders in the L.E.A.D.E.R.S responsibilities?


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