What will your church invest in developing leaders in 2020?

They say you can look at a persons/church’s checkbook and tell what is important to them. How much will your church budget for developing leaders in 2020?

Of the percentage how much is dedicated to developing the staff versus developing lay leaders?

What might happen if we paid as much attention to the competency of our leaders as we did the cash in our bank accounts? I’d be shocked if your key staff were not looking at their ministry budget at least once a month. Should we not assess our people assets equally as close?

What might happen if our people begin to see us place a higher value on leadership development?Sometimes I wonder if the people in our churches don’t value leadership development because they’ve not seen us value it. By the way when I say leadership development I’m talking about discipling leaders.

What might happen if we stopped looking for the right leaders and started developing people to be better leaders? How often do you find yourself saying “we can’t do that because we don’t have the right leader right now.” Perhaps if we started looking for willingness rather than readiness we might have the right kind of leader sooner than we think.

Here’s another question: if you do invest money in the development of your leaders in 2020 what is the return on investment that you hope to get? I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Powerless Discipleship


Creating a Culture of Gratitude