Why Structure Matters in Your Leadership Approach

“Structure isn’t just a business concept, it’s also a vital spiritual principle.” (The Multiplication Effect)

We’ve got a problem. Too many churches are forging ahead in their mission without a clearly defined or executed structure in place. Ministry teams are being led without structure in the leadership. Pastors are feeling the weight of having to drag their church along because the structure is either undefined, misaligned, or confusing. 

Why does structure make so much of a difference?

Without structure, churches and ministry teams are left with diminished energy, diminished impact, and diminished spiritual growth. 

Here are three areas your church will improve when you develop a healthy structure.


Do you remember the story in Exodus 18 when Moses is burnt out from his one-man show of leading the people of Israel? His energy was gone because he was doing everything himself…without a proper structure in place. After his father-in-law, Jethro, advises him to create a sustainable structure for leadership, Moses is able to move forward and delegate with intentionality.

Maybe the energy you or your team lacks could be improved if you got intentional with your structure.


There are rising needs all around us. It seems everywhere we turn, people are longing for hope, for healing, and for practical help. As the church, what a beautiful opportunity to step in as a reflection of Jesus to a broken world. But, without the proper structure, we will be less efficient with our impact. Instead of less people doing more, what if we had systems where more people carried a multiplied impact for our growing communities?

If you long to do more, give more, and be more for your community…the answer lies in a healthy church structure.

Spiritual Growth

If something is growing, can we assume it’s always good? We’d argue “no.” Weeds grow…mold grows…and we don’t want those growing. So, how do we help cultivate a church that is not only growing, but simultaneously spiritually growing? It’s all about structure!

Healthy structures support the spiritual development of the people in your church. Your staff, leaders, ministry teams, all need to be a part of a structure that is intentional to maintain the right spiritual DNA so they are growing in a healthy way!

How do I structure my church?

Identifying the areas where you’re lacking is such a great first step in getting a healthy structure for your church. But you might find yourself in a place where you’re overwhelmed and unclear on what your next step is. 

We would love to step in as the “Jethro” for your next steps. Sometimes, an outside perspective of your team is healthy in identifying pitfalls and gaps. Contact our team Multiply Group today to book a discovery call where we can walk alongside you toward healthy structure on your teams!
Additionally, we’ve created resources for you on how to best create structure and multiply your leadership effectively! Check out one of our favorite tools, The Multiplication Effect. This book will be such an impactful resource to you as you navigate not only the “what,” but the “why” behind multiplication and structure in your leadership.


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