7 Components of Jesus Leadership Development Strategy, Pt 4

Component #4 - Experienced leaders coach-mentor developing leadersJesus was a masterful mentor.  Think about Mark 14, that passage where Peter got a "sinking feeling" that he had just made a huge mistake.  Notice how Jesus coached him in this situation.

"But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, begining to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"  And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down."

My favorite part of the story is when Jesus walks over to Peter who is halfway submerged under the water, reaches out, takes him by the hand, asks a question basically saying, "Peter, let's talk."  Jesus was capitalizing on a teachable moment.  Instead of just rescuing Peter and putting him back in the boat, he holds his hand, keeps him afloat and discusses what went wrong.  Jesus looked at him and said, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?"  I can imagine Peter's reaction.  Here he is neck deep in water probably thinking, "Jesus, can we talk about this after we get back in the boat?"  But Jesus wanted to talk about it right then in the heat of the moment.  The question Jesus asked was very insightful, "You of little faith why did you doubt?"  The Greek word for "little" does not mean little in size, but little in duration.  In other words, Jesus was saying, "Peter, your faith was big enough to step out of the boat, but it wasn't the kind of faith that could endure the entire risk experience."  What better time to learn that lesson than while literally neck deep in trouble.  I think Jesus had his undivided attention!  Jesus was teaching him in teh heat of the moment so he would never forget the lesson.My greatest leadership learnings have taken place when I've had an experienced mentor by my side helping me debrief my experiences.  Every developing leader needs a coach who will discuss, question, debrief, encourage and challenge them at the appropriate times.Imagine what could happen if you could build a team of mentors who were willing to pour into the developing leaders at your church.Who can you train to be a trainer?




7 Components of Jesus Leadership Development Strategy, Pt 3