
I attended the ARC All Access Conference in Clayton, NC over the past couple of days.  I wasn’t able to stay for the whole conference but was able to sit through sessions with Billy Hornsby, Matt Fry, Dino Rizzo, Greg Surratt and Chris Hodges.  One common theme emerged in each of their talks…the importance of the leader’s heart.    I walked away with a few questions to meditate on over the next few daysIn what way is my church/ministry reflecting what is going on in my heart?If my physical heart is not healthy it impacts my whole body. In the same way if my spiritual heart is not healthy it will impact the health of my church or ministry.  If my heart is filled with a competitive, negative, critical, jealous, hectic spirit then in time that will be reflected in the ministry I lead.Do I have to manufacture love and compassion?There have been way too many times I have found myself hiding from people, avoiding people, making excuses not to serve people because I had nothing to give.    Love and compassion should flow naturally out of the overflow of my time with God.  An empty heart has to manufacture love and compassion.Am I missing the power of God today because I am stuck in yesterday?Too often we depend on yesterday’s methods, successes, systems, programs. God wants us to rely on his power not just what we did yesterday.  God loves pouring out fresh new ideas into open hearts.Am I doing what it takes to finish well?Ministry is a marathon not a sprint.  Finishing well will require that I have a heart of humility and courage that is fully surrendered to God.Am I maximizing my moments or am I missing them?It is so easy for us to become preoccupied with future plans, projects, opportunities and successes that we miss out on the very moment we are in.   The greatest moment of my life is the one I am living in right now.What does your heart need to be reflecting on right now in order for you to be all God wants you to be?


7 Components of Jesus Leadership Development Strategy, Pt 5


7 Components of Jesus Leadership Development Strategy, Pt 4