A Critical Leadership Development Question

Over the past 2 weeks of posts I've been sharing about Seacoast Church Leadership Development Strategy.  One of the key points I've made is - Every church needs an intentional strategy for developing their existing and potential leaders.  It doesn’t have to look like ours, create your own, put something together that works for your culture.  But no matter what you come up with here is a critical question:  Are we focusing on information or transformation?  I’m afraid that too often when we think about leadership development we become infatuated with dispensing information.  It is easy to forget that IT'S NOT LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IF THE LEADER IS NOT DEVELOPING, growing and changing.  You see when Jesus did leadership development with his disciples they were transformed.  They were not the same men they had been three years earlier before meeting him. One of my favorite passages that show the impact of Jesus leadership training is Acts 4:13.  Peter and John had been arrested and brought before the religious leaders for questioning.  Luke writes, “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."  What can you do to ensure that your leadership development efforts focus on transformation not just dispensing information?


Model Leader


Leadership Lessons from a Mobster